Sunday, October 27, 2013

Bodily Changes During Pregnancy

Pregnancy has got to be the time when the human body changes the most between the changes occurring to the body of the mom-to-be and the tremendous amounts of change that occur to the tiny body within the pregnant body!

Bodily changes for the mom-to-be:

Bigger is the theme of pregnancy and as your body gets bigger mainly the abdomen to accommodate the growing life inside of her and the breasts in preparation of nourishing the baby. The average weight increase for each breast during pregnancy is 1 to 1 1/2 pounds per breast. The skin will also stretch an unbelievably amount right up to the last month in order to allow for these changes in breast and abdomen. Your skin will go through many other changes including possibly a darkened line of skin from naval to public bone called the linea nigra and the mask of pregnancy which are brown splotchy markings seen on the cheeks, nose and under the eyes of the mom-to-be.

If bigger is the theme of pregnancy, the color red is in closely describes many of the changes occurring during pregnancy. A pregnant mom-to-be may notice small red elevations called vascular spiders or telangiectasias. They appear on the arms, face, neck or upper chest. These red vascular spiders will disappear once the baby is born. Another change that includes the color red is the occurrence of red palms. Red palms can happen to women of light or dark skin and is the result of an increased estrogen in the body because of the pregnancy. After you deliver your baby your palms should return to a more normal skin tone. Other skin changes include skin tags (lumps or bumps of skin), pimples, stretch marks and itchy skin.

Well there you have it the bigness and redness of pregnancy; what’s next? How about moles and skin tags. Examine your skin during your pregnancy and you may be surprised to see that your skin has all of a sudden sprung a new group of moles, or moles you have before the pregnancy may grow larger and darker.

Body changes for the developing baby within:

Your future baby’s changes begin the moment fertilization occurs in the 2nd week of your cycle. Week 3 finds fertilization happening, week 4 is when the embryonic changes are occuring. Week 5 is perhaps the most important change of all – when the little one’s heart begins to beat. Week 6 will see the neural tube closing and week 7 is all about the umbilical cord as it makes it’s appearance. Week 8 is when the changes in embryonic development have the baby developing webbed fingers and toes. Week 9 has the embryo starting to move. Week 10 is when the baby’s vital organs have basically formed. Week 11 finds the baby deciding to reveal the sexual preference and to round off the first 12 weeks the baby is now approximately 3″ inches long and about 4/5 of an ounce. Fingernails and toenails are formed.

Bodily Changes During Pregnancy

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